
For our passive rotations, we will change from one orthonormal, right-handed basis to another orthonormal,

\bgroup\color{black}$\displaystyle \hat{e}'_i \cdot \hat{e}'_j = \delta_{ij} $\egroup

right-handed basis.

\bgroup\color{black}$\displaystyle \hat{e_1}'_i \hat{e_2}'_j \hat{e_3}'_k \epsilon_{ijk}=1 $\egroup

Note that the unit vectors \bgroup\color{black}$ \hat{e}'_i$\egroup are vectors in the original (not primed) frame.

If we rotate the coordinate axes, we can compute a vector in the new (primed) coordinates from the original vector by multiplying by a Rotation Matrix.

\bgroup\color{black}$\displaystyle \vec{x}'=R\vec{x} $\egroup

\bgroup\color{black}$ \displaystyle x_i'=R_{ij} x_j $\egroup
This is the normal way we write a matrix multiplication.

\bgroup\color{black}$\displaystyle \begin{pmatrix}x' \cr y' \cr z' \cr\end{pmatr...
...31}&R_{32}&R_{33}\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}x \cr y \cr z \end{pmatrix}$\egroup

With a little thought, we can compute the elements of the rotation matrix. Lets compute the vector \bgroup\color{black}$ \vec{x}'$\egroup, the position vector in the rotated coordinates. To get the \bgroup\color{black}$ i$\egroup component of \bgroup\color{black}$ x$\egroup, just take the vector and dot it into the new unit vector \bgroup\color{black}$ \hat{e}_i'$\egroup, written in the original coordinates.

\bgroup\color{black}$\displaystyle x_i'=\hat{e}_i'\cdot\vec{x}=\hat{e}_i'\cdot\hat{e}_j x_j $\egroup

Note that in the above equation, \bgroup\color{black}$ \vec{x}$\egroup is a vector that doesn't depend on the coordinates. The components of the vector \bgroup\color{black}$ x_i'$\egroup in the primed frame do depend on the primed coordinate axes.

So the rotation matrix is just given by

\bgroup\color{black}$ \displaystyle R_{ij}=\hat{e}_i'\cdot\hat{e}_j $\egroup
where \bgroup\color{black}$ \hat{e}_i'$\egroup is written in the original coordinates.

Thus, each element of the rotation matrix is simply the cosine of the angle between a new coordinate axis and an old coordinate axis.

It is easy to see physically that the product of two rotations is just some other rotation.

\bgroup\color{black}$\displaystyle R^{(1)} R^{(2)}= R^{(3)} $\egroup

This means that the rotations form a group. We can also see physically that rotations (like matrices) do not commute.

As an example, lets make a rotation through a small angle \bgroup\color{black}$ \theta$\egroup in the \bgroup\color{black}$ xy$\egroup plane, leaving the \bgroup\color{black}$ z$\egroup axis unchanged. The angle between the \bgroup\color{black}$ x$\egroup and the \bgroup\color{black}$ x'$\egroup axis is \bgroup\color{black}$ \theta$\egroup. The angle between the \bgroup\color{black}$ y$\egroup and the \bgroup\color{black}$ y'$\egroup axis is also \bgroup\color{black}$ \theta$\egroup. The angle between the \bgroup\color{black}$ x$\egroup and the \bgroup\color{black}$ y'$\egroup axis is \bgroup\color{black}$ {\pi\over 2}+\theta$\egroup. The angle between the \bgroup\color{black}$ y$\egroup and the \bgroup\color{black}$ x'$\egroup axis is \bgroup\color{black}$ {\pi\over 2}-\theta$\egroup. The angle between the \bgroup\color{black}$ z$\egroup and the \bgroup\color{black}$ z'$\egroup axis is 0. All the other angle with the \bgroup\color{black}$ z$\egroup axis are \bgroup\color{black}$ {\pi\over 2}$\egroup.

So we can write the rotation matrix.

\bgroup\color{black}$\displaystyle R(\theta)=\begin{pmatrix}\cos(\theta) & \cos(...
...ta) & 0 \cr -\sin(\theta) & \cos(\theta) & 0 \cr 0 & 0 & 1\end{pmatrix} $\egroup

In three dimensions, a rotation in the \bgroup\color{black}$ xy$\egroup plane can be said to be a rotation about the \bgroup\color{black}$ z$\egroup axis. This is not true in four dimensions.

One can write the dot product between two vectors just in terms of the lengths of vectors.

\bgroup\color{black}$\displaystyle \vec{u}\cdot\vec{v}={1\over 2}\left(\Vert\vec{u}+\vec{v}\Vert^2-\Vert\vec{u}\Vert^2-\Vert\vec{v}\Vert^2\right) $\egroup

Therefore, preserving the length of vectors implies that dot products are invariant. The invariance of dot products implies that both the lengths of vectors and the angle between vectors are unchanged in a rotation.

Lets use the fact that dot products are invariant to derive a property of the rotation matrices.

  $\displaystyle x_i'v_i'=x_iv_i$    
  $\displaystyle R_{ij} x_j R_{ik} v_k=x_iv_i$    
  $\displaystyle R_{ij} R_{ik} x_j v_k=x_iv_i$    
  $\displaystyle R^T_{ji} R_{ik} x_j v_k=x_iv_i$    
  $\displaystyle R^T_{ji} R_{ik} = \delta_{jk}$    
  $\displaystyle R^TR=1$    
  $\displaystyle R^{-1}=R^T$    

The inverse of a rotation matrix is its transpose. We call these matrices Orthogonal Matrices. The rotations in three dimensions are a representation of the Special Orthogonal Group SO(3). These matrices have determinant 1. If we include parity inversions with rotations we have the larger Orthogonal Group O(3). These matrices have \bgroup\color{black}$ \det R =\pm 1$\egroup.

Any rotation in three dimensions can be written as a rotation in some plane or as a rotation about an axis orthogonal to that plane.

We can describe a constantly rotating coordinate system as a rotation in a plane by and angle

\bgroup\color{black}$\displaystyle \theta = \omega t $\egroup

where \bgroup\color{black}$ \omega$\egroup is the angular velocity. We can also define \bgroup\color{black}$ \vec{\omega}$\egroup to be a vector orthogonal to the plane with magnitude equal to that angular velocity \bgroup\color{black}$ \Vert\vec{\omega}\Vert=\omega$\egroup. The rotation matrix depends on time. Since \bgroup\color{black}$ R^TR=1$\egroup, the time derivative of that product must be zero at any time so lets evaluate it at \bgroup\color{black}$ t=0$\egroup.

\bgroup\color{black}$\displaystyle {d\over dt}(R^TR)\vert _{t=0}=\dot{R}^TR(0)+R^T(0)\dot{R}= \dot{R}^T+\dot{R}=0 $\egroup

This implies that the time derivative of \bgroup\color{black}$ R$\egroup is an antisymmetric matrix, thus representable by an axial vector.

Jim Branson 2012-10-21